Day 5 explanation (tiptoe around, smarten up, add up, burn out, pass through)

tiptoe around (type 3)

(be careful how you talk to someone because he or she is easily upset)

We always tiptoe around my mother-in-law.

She tiptoed around her sister when she was grumpy.


smarten up (type 2)

(make something or someone clean and tidy)

You should smarten yourself up a bit before we go out for dinner.

Let's smarten the dining room up.


add up (type 1)

(make sense)

He was at home but he called us from the pub? Something doesn't add up.

Does this story add up? She was late because of a train strike but there was no strike that day.


burn out (type 1)

(become ill from working too much)

She didn't take a holiday for three years and of course she burned out.

You should have a rest this weekend. You don't want to burn out.


pass through (type 1)

(go through somewhere on your way somewhere else)

Can we meet while you're in London? Or are you only passing through?

She didn't stop in Singapore. She just passed through.

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