Day 2 explanation (wade through, rustle up, muddle up, drag on, boil down to)

wade through (type 3)

(read a lot of information)

We waded through all the information about the house sale.

She needs to make time to wade through all those job adverts.


rustle up (type 2)

(make a meal)

She can rustle a meal up in about five minutes. It's amazing.

Are you hungry? I'll see if I can rustle something up.


muddle up (type 2)


I muddled Lucy and her sister up. They look really similar.

He always muddles the phone numbers up.


drag on (type 1)

(continue for longer than you want)

The play dragged on for three hours!

That meeting really dragged on.


boil down to (type 4)

(be mostly about)

The problem boils down to lack of time.

Everything boils down to money and power.

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