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Ultimate B1 Grammar Course
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B1 summary PDFs
Section 1: Present simple / present continuous / past simple
Download the section 1 PDFs here
Lesson 1: Present simple with 'do' for emphasis (1:15)
Exercise - Present simple with 'do'
Lesson 2: The present continuous for habits in the present (2:39)
Exercise - The present continuous for habits in the present
Lesson 3: The past simple and would with 'wish' (2:13)
Exercise - The past simple and 'would' with 'wish'
Lesson 4: The past simple for past habits and states (2:30)
Exercise - Past simple for past habits and states
Lesson 5: The past simple for ordering actions (2:22)
Exercise - Past simple for ordering actions
Section 1 review quiz
Section 2: Present perfect
Download the section 2 PDFs here
Lesson 1: Present perfect use to talk about 'how long' with 'for' and 'since' (1:10)
Exercise - Present perfect use for how long with 'for' and 'since'
Lesson 2: Present perfect use with 'just', 'yet' and 'already' (1:21)
Exercise - Present perfect with 'yet' and 'already'
Exercise - Present perfect with 'just'
Lesson 3: Present perfect or past simple? (1:50)
Exercise - Present perfect or past simple
Section 2 review quiz
Section 3: Past Continuous and Future in the Past
Download the section 3 PDFs here
Lesson 1: Past continuous forms (1:53)
Exercise - Past continuous positive and negative
Exercise - Past continuous questions
Lesson 2: Past continuous use: things in progress at a point in time (0:59)
Exercise - Past continuous: events in progress at a certain time
Lesson 3: Past continuous use: interrupted actions with the past simple (0:59)
Exercise - Past continuous: actions with the past simple
Lesson 4: Past continuous use: habits in the past (1:16)
Exercise - Past continuous for habits in the past
Lesson 5: Future in the past with 'was / were going to' (and 'would') (3:21)
Exercise - Future in the past with 'was / were going to'
Section 3 review quiz
Section 4: Future continuous / present perfect continuous / past perfect
Download the section 4 PDFs here
Lesson 1: Future continuous forms (3:18)
Exercise - Future continuous forms 1 (positive and negative)
Exercise - Future continuous forms 2 (questions)
Exercise - Future continuous forms 3 (mixed)
Lesson 2: Future continuous for things in progress at a point (2:42)
Exercise - Future continuous for things in progress at a point
Lesson 3: Present perfect continuous forms (4:00)
Exercise - Present perfect continuous forms 1 (positive and negative)
Exercise - Present perfect continuous forms 2 (questions)
Exercise - Present perfect continuous 3 (mixed)
Lesson 4: Present perfect continuous for time up to now with for and since (2:10)
Exercise - Present perfect continuous for time up to now
Lesson 5: Past perfect forms (4:48)
Exercise - Past perfect forms 1 (positive and negative)
Exercise - Past perfect forms 2 (questions)
Exercise - Past perfect 3 (mixed)
Lesson 6: Past perfect for time up to then (2:47)
Exercise - Past perfect for time up to then
Section 4 review quiz
Section 5: Questions and short answers
Download the section 5 PDFs here
Lesson 1: Subject and object questions (3:14)
Exercise - Subject and object questions
Lesson 2: Question tags (5:20)
Exercise - Question tags with the present simple 1
Exercise - Question tags with the present simple 2
Exercise - Question tags with the present continuous
Exercise - Question tags with the past simple 1
Exercise - Question tags with the past simple 2
Exercise - Question tags with 'will'
Exercise - Question tags with 'be going to'
Exercise - Question tags with the present perfect
Exercise - Question tags with the past perfect
Exercise - Question tags with the future continuous
Exercise - Question tags with the past continuous
Lesson 3: Short answers with 'so' and 'neither' (5:23)
Exercise - Short answers with 'so' and 'neither' in the present simple
Exercise - Short answers with 'so' and 'neither' in the present continuous
Exercise - Short answers with 'so' and 'neither' in the past simple
Exercise - Short answers with 'so' and 'neither' and 'will'
Exercise - Short answers with 'so' and 'neither' and 'be going to'
Exercise - Short answers with 'so' and 'neither' in the present perfect
Exercise - Short answers with 'so' and 'neither' in the past perfect
Exercise - Short answers with 'so' and 'neither' in the future continuous
Exercise - Short answers with 'so' and 'neither' in the past continuous
Section 5 review quiz
Section 6: Verb patterns
Download the section 6 PDFs here
Lesson 1: Verbs + infinitive without 'to' (make and let) (3:42)
Exercise - Make and let + infinitive
Lesson 2: Verbs with a direct object and 'to + infinitive' (3:32)
Exercise - Verbs with a direct object and 'to + infinitive'
Lesson 3: Verbs with two objects (1:25)
Exercise - Verbs with two objects
Section 6 review quiz
Section 7: Nouns
Download the section 7 PDFs here
Lesson 1: Nouns that are always plural (2:37)
Exercise - Nouns that are always plural
Lesson 2: Collective nouns with singular or plural verbs (2:07)
Exercise - Collective nouns with singular or plural verbs
Lesson 3: Other / the other / another (3:13)
Exercise - The other or other?
Exercise - Another or the other?
Lesson 4: The and no article with geographical names (1:24)
Exercise - The and no article with geographical names
Lesson 5: The with abstract nouns (3:28)
Exercise - The with abstract nouns
Section 7 review quiz
Section 8: Determiners
Download the Section 8 PDFs here
Lesson 1: 'Such' and 'such a' (0:54)
Exercise - 'Such' and 'such a'
Lesson 2: Either (0:43)
Exercise - Either
Lesson 3: Both ... and ... (0:34)
Exercise - Both ... and...
Section 8 quiz review
Section 9: The passive
Download the section 9 PDFs here
Lesson 1: How to make the passive (7:06)
Exercise - The present simple passive
Exercise - The past simple passive
Exercise - The present continuous passive
Exercise - Mixed passive forms (present simple, present continuous, past simple)
Exercise - The past continuous passive
Exercise - The present perfect passive
Exercise - The past perfect passive
Exercise - The future with 'will' passive
Exercise - Mixed passive forms (will, past continuous, present perfect, past perfect)
Lesson 2: Passive infinitive introduction (with going to / have to / need to) (3:01)
Exercise - Passive infinitive introduction (with going to / have to / need to)
Section 9 quiz review
Section 10: Reported speech
Download the Section 10 PDFs here
Lesson 1: How to make reported speech (9:13)
Exercise - Reported speech with the present simple
Exercise - Reported speech with the present continuous
Exercise - Reported speech with the past simple
Exercise - Reported speech with the present perfect
Exercise - Reported speech with the past continuous
Exercise - Reported speech with the future simple with 'will'
Exercise - Reported speech with 'be going to'
Exercise - Reported speech with the future continuous
Exercise - Reported speech with the past perfect
Lesson 2: Reported speech with modal verbs (1:35)
Exercise - Reported speech with modal verbs
Lesson 3: Reported questions with 'ask' (4:19)
Exercise - reported 'wh' questions with 'ask'
Exercise - reported 'yes / no' questions with 'ask'
Lesson 4: Reported requests with 'ask' (2:11)
Exercise - Reported requests with 'ask'
Lesson 5: Reported orders with 'tell' (0:58)
Exercise - Reported orders with 'tell'
Lesson 6: Time expressions in reported speech (2:01)
Exercise - Time expressions in reported speech
Section 10 review quiz
Section 11: Modal verbs
Download the Section 11 PDFs here
Lesson 1: 'Must' and 'can't' for logical necessity (making guesses) about the present (3:39)
Exercise - 'Must' and 'can't' for logical necessity
Lesson 2: Could / might / etc for logical necessity (making guesses) about the present (1:22)
Exercise - Could / might etc for logical necessity (making guesses) about the present
Exercise - Mixed logical necessity for the present
Lesson 3: 'Must' for recommendations and offers (1:12)
Exercise - Must for recommendations and offers
Lesson 4: 'Ought to' for advice (1:03)
Exercise - 'Ought to' for advice
Lesson 5: Be supposed to (2:52)
Exercise - Be supposed to
Lesson 6: Used to + infinitive (1:12)
Exercise - Used to + infinitive
Lesson 7: Be / get used to (2:58)
Exercise - be / get used to
Lesson 8: Modals for politeness (2:20)
Exercise - Modals for politeness
Section 11 review quiz
Section 12: Relative clauses
Download the section 12 PDFs here
Lesson 1: Relative clauses introduction (1:52)
Exercise - Where is the relative clause?
Lesson 2: Defining and non-defining relative clauses (3:15)
Exercise - Defining or non-defining?
Lesson 3: Defining relative clauses with the pronoun as subject or object (2:53)
Exercise - Is the relative pronoun the subject or the object?
Exercise - Make defining relative clauses with 'who / that' as subject
Exercise - Make defining relative clauses with 'that' as the object
Lesson 4: Dropping the relative pronoun (1:21)
Exercise - Dropping the relative pronoun
Lesson 5: 'Who' or 'whom' in a relative clause? (1:45)
Exercise - Who or whom?
Lesson 6: 'Whose' in relative clauses (1:31)
Exercise - Whose in relative clauses
Lesson 7: 'When' in relative clauses (0:43)
Exercise - 'When' in relative clauses
Lesson 8: 'Where' in relative clauses (2:25)
Exercise - 'Where' in relative clauses
Section 12 review quiz
Section 13: Pronouns
Download the section 13 PDFs here
Lesson 1: Reflexive pronouns (4:05)
Exercise - Reflexive pronouns 1 (reflexive pronoun or object pronoun?)
Exercise - Reflexive pronouns 2 (reflexive pronouns with verbs like 'dress', 'wash' and 'concentrate')
Lesson 2: Each other (2:08)
Exercise - Each other
Lesson 3: By myself = alone (0:44)
Exercise - By myself
Section 13 review quiz
Section 14: Conditionals
Download the section 14 PDFs
Lesson 1: Zero conditionals (present real conditionals) (1:23)
Exercise - Make zero conditionals
Lesson 2: First conditionals (future real conditionals) (0:59)
Exercise - Make first conditionals
Lesson 3: Unless (0:59)
Exercise - Unless
Exercise - If and unless
Lesson 4: Future real conditionals with modal verbs (might, can, must) (2:22)
Exercise - Make future real conditionals with modals
Lesson 5: Second conditionals (future unreal conditionals) (1:47)
Exercise - Make second conditionals
Lesson 6: 'Was' or 'were' with the second conditional? (1:55)
Exercise - 'Was' or 'were' with the second conditional
Lesson 7: If not and if so (1:21)
Exercise - If so and if not
Exercise - Make zero / first / second conditionals 1
Exercise - Make zero / first / second conditionals 2
Section 14 review quiz
Section 15: Adjectives
Download the section 15 PDFs here
Lesson 1: Order of adjectives (2:48)
Exercise - Order of adjectives
Lesson 2: Comparatives: get better and better (1:12)
Exercise - Comparatives: get better and better
Lesson 3: Comparatives: using a clause after 'than' (2:47)
Exercise - Comparatives: using a clause after 'than'
Lesson 4: Comparatives: verb+ing after 'than' (0:56)
Exercise - Comparatives: verb+ing after 'than'
Lesson 5: Superlatives with the present perfect tense (1:01)
Exercise - Superlatives with the present perfect tense
Lesson 6: Adjectives that are only used predicatively (asleep / alone / alive / alright / afraid) (2:14)
Exercise - Adjectives that are only used predicatively
Lesson 7: Compound adjectives (2:20)
Exercise - Compound adjectives
Section 15 review quiz
Section 16: Adverbs
Download the section 16 PDFs here
Lesson 1: Adverbs of focus: even (2:27)
Exercise - Even
Lesson 2: Adverbs of focus: particularly / especially (1:16)
Exercise - Particularly / especially
Lesson 3: Adverbs of time: still (1:23)
Exercise - Still
Lesson 4: Adverbs of time: any more / any longer (1:26)
Exercise - Any more / any longer
Lesson 5: Adverbs for linking: although / though / however (1:32)
Exercise - Although / though / however
Lesson 6: Adverbs for linking: so / therefore (1:22)
Exercise - So / therefore
Lesson 7: Adverbs for linking: Because / as / since / because of / as a result of / on account of (2:21)
Exercise - Because / as / since / because of / as a result of / on account of
Lesson 8: Rather than / would rather (1:31)
Exercise - Rather than / would rather
Section 16 review quiz
Section 17: Prepositions
Download the section 17 PDFs here
Lesson 1: 'As' and 'like' (1:48)
Exercise - 'As' and 'like'
Lesson 2: 'By' and 'with' to explain how we do something (1:20)
Exercise - 'By' and 'with'
Lesson 3: 'For' to show purpose (0:41)
Exercise - 'For' to show purpose
Lesson 4: 'At' or 'in' with buildings (1:29)
Exercise - 'At' or 'in' with buildings
Lesson 5: 'On time' or 'in time' (2:28)
Exercise - 'On time' or 'in time'?
Lesson 6: 'At the end' or 'in the end' (1:34)
Exercise - 'At the end' or 'in the end'?
Lesson 7: Prepositions after adjectives (2:55)
Exercise - Prepositions after adjectives
Lesson 8: Prepositions after verbs (2:35)
Exercise - Prepositions after verbs
Lesson 9: Prepositions after nouns (2:14)
Exercise - Prepositions after nouns
Section 17 review quiz
Final Quiz
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Lesson 4: The and no article with geographical names
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